人工智能 复杂问题求解的结构和策略 英文版 第6版卢格尔作者简介、书籍目录、内容摘要、编辑推荐
George F.Luger 1973年在宾夕法尼亚大学获得博士学位,并在之后的5年间在爱丁堡大学人工智能系进行博士后研究,现在是新墨西哥大学计算机科学研究、语言学及心理学教授。
Preface Publishers Acknowledgements PART I ARTIFIClAL INTELLIGENCE:ITS ROOTS AND SCOPE 1 A1:HISTORY AND APPLICATIONS 1.1 From Eden to ENIAC:Attitudes toward Intelligence,Knowledge,andHuman Artifice 1.2 0verview ofAl Application Areas 1.3 Artificial Intelligence A Summary 1.4 Epilogue and References 1.5 Exercises PART II ARTIFlClAL INTELLIGENCE AS REPRESENTATION AN D SEARCH 2 THE PREDICATE CALCULUS 2.0 Intr0血ction 2.1 The Propositional Calculus 2.2 The Predicate Calculus 2.3 Using Inference Rules to Produce Predicate Calculus Expressions 2.4 Application:A Logic—Based Financial Advisor 2.5 Epilogue and References 2.6 Exercises 3 STRUCTURES AND STRATEGIES FOR STATE SPACE SEARCH 3.0 Introducfion 3.1 GraphTheory 3.2 Strategies for State Space Search 3.3 using the state Space to Represent Reasoning with the Predicate Calculus 3.4 Epilogue and References 3.5 Exercises 4 HEURISTIC SEARCH 4.0 Introduction 4.l Hill Climbing and Dynamic Programmin9 4.2 The Best-First Search Algorithm 4.3 Admissibility,Monotonicity,and Informedness 4.4 Using Heuristics in Games 4.5 Complexity Issues 4.6 Epilogue and References 4.7 Exercises 5 STOCHASTIC METHODS 5.0 Introduction 5.1 The Elements ofCountin9 5.2 Elements ofProbabilityTheory 5.3 Applications ofthe Stochastic Methodology 5.4 Bayes’Theorem 5.5 Epilogue and References 5.6 Exercises 6 coNTROL AND IMPLEMENTATION OF STATE SPACE SEARCH 6.0 Introduction l93 6.1 Recursion.Based Search 6.2 Production Systems 6.3 The Blackboard Architecture for Problem Solvin9 6.4 Epilogue and References 6.5 Exercises PARTIII CAPTURING INTELLIGENCE:THE AI CHALLENGE 7 KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION 7.0 Issues in Knowledge Representation 7.1 A BriefHistory ofAI Representational Systems …… 8 STRONG METHOD PROBLEM SOLVING 9 REASONING IN UNCERTAIN SITUATIONSPART Ⅳ MACHINE LEARNING 10 MACHINE LEARNING:SYMBOL-BASED 11 MACHINE LEARNING:CONNECTIONIST 12 MACHINE LEARNING:GENETIC AND EMERGENT 13 MACHINE LEARNING:PROBABILISTICPART Ⅴ ADVANCED TOPICS FOR AI PROBLEM SOLVING 14 AUTOMATED REASONING 15 UNDERSTANDING NATURAL LANGUAGEPART Ⅵ EPILOGUE 16 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AS EMPIRICAL ENQUIRY
插图:postconditions of each action are in.the column below it. For example, row 5 lists the pre-conditions for pickup(X) and Column 6 lists the postconditions (the add and delete lists) ofpickup(X). These postconditions are placed in the row of the action that uses them as pre-conditions, organizing them in a manner relevant to further actions. The triangle tablespurpose is to properly interleave the preconditions and postconditions of each of thesmaller actions that make up the larger goal. Thus, triangle tables address non-linearityissues in planning on the macro operator level; Partial-Order Planners (Russell and Norvig1995) and other approaches have further addressed these issues.One advantage of triangle tables is the assistance they can offer in attempting torecover from unexpected happenings, such as a block being slightly out of place, or acci-dents, such as dropping a block. Often an accident can require backing up several stepsbefore the plan can be resumed. When something goes wrong with a solution the plannercan go back into the rows and columns of the triangle table to check what is true. Once theplanner has figured out what is still true within the rows and columns, it then knows whatthe next step must be if the larger solution is to be restarted. This is formalized with thenotion of a kernel.The nth kernel is the intersection of all rows below and including the nth row and allcolumns to the left of and including the rtth column. In Figure 8.21 we have outlined thethird kernel in bold. In carrying out a plan represented in a triangle table, the ith operation(that is, the operation in row i) may be performed only if all predicates contained in the ithkernel aretrue. This offers a straightforward way of verifying that a step can be taken andalso supports systematic recovery from any disruption of the plan. Given a triangle table,we find and execute the highest-numbered action whose kernel is enabled.
——Toseph Lewis,圣迭戈州立大学“本书是人工智能课程的完美补充。它既给读者以历史的现点,又给幽所有莰术的宾用指南。这是一本必须要推荐的人工智能的田书。”
——-Pascal Rebreyend,瑞典达拉那大学“该书的写作风格和全面的论述使它成为人工智能领域很有价值的文献。”
——Malachy Eaton,利默里克大学