绿色建筑设计标准(Design Standard of Green Building)北京市勘察设计与测绘管理办公室组织 编译作者介绍、内容简介、图书详情、目录


  根据北京市质量技术监督局、北京市规划委员会标准编制计划的要求,由中国建筑科学研究院、清华大学等单位经广泛调查研究,认真总结近年来绿色建筑的实践经验,参考国内外相关标准和应用研究成果,并结合北京市城乡建设发展的需求,制定本标准。本标准共14章,主要技术内容包括: 1.总则;2.术语;3.基本规定;4指标体系;5.设计策划及文件要求;6.规划设计;7.建筑设计;8.结构设计;9.给水排水设计;10.暖通空调设计;11.建筑电气设计;12.景观环境设计;13.室内装修设计;14.专项设计控制等。本书为本标准的英文版。


  暂缺《绿色建筑设计标准(Design Standard of Green Building)》作者简介


  1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 Basic Requirements
4 Index System
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 Low Carbon Ecological Design Index System at Detailed Planning Stage
4.3 Green Design Index System at Building Design Stage
5 Scheme and Design Documents of Green Building
5.1 Scheme of Green Building
5.2 Organization of Green Building Design
5.3 Design Documents of Green Building Design
6 Planning and Design
6.1 General Requirements
6.2 Land Use Planning
6.3 Transportation Planning
6.4 Resource Utilization
6.5 Ecological Environment Architectural Design 7Architectural Design
7.1 General Requirements
7.2 Building Space Layout
7.3 Building Envelope
7.4 Building Material
7.5 Building Acoustical Environment
7.6 Daylighting
7.7 Natural Ventilation Environment
7.8 Indoor Air Quality
7.9 Other Requirements
8 Structure Design
8.1 General Requirements
8.2 Design of Main Structure
8.3 Design of Building Foundation
8.4 Design of Renovation and Extension Structure
9 Design of Water Supply and Sewerage
9.1 General Requirements
9.2 Water Supply System
9.3 Water Saving Equipment and Sanitary Ware
9.4 Utilization of Non-traditional Water Source
10 Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Design
10.1 General Requirements
10.2 Energy Transportation and Distribution
10.3 Heat and Cold Source
10.4 Control and Detection
11 Building Electrical Design
11.1 General Requirements
11.2 Power Supply and Distribution System
11.3 Lighting
11.4 Electrical Equipment
11.5 Metering and Intelligentization
12 Landscape Design
12.1 General Requirements
12.2 Greening
12.3 Waterscape
12.4 Sites
12.5 Lighting
13 Interior Decoration Design
13.1 General Requirements
13.2 Design Requirements
13.3 Selection of Decoration Materials
14 Special Design Control
14.1 General Requirements
14.2 Building Curtain Wall
14.3 Reclaimed water Treatment and Rainwater Recycling Systems
14.4 Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Systems
14.5 Heat Pump System
14.6 Ice Storage System
14.7 Building Intelligent Systems
Appendix A Integrated Review Sheet
Appendix B Beijing Design Data Collection
Appendix C Boundary Conditions for Simulation
Explanation of Wording in This Standard
List of Quoted Standards