詹姆斯·马修·巴利(James Matthew Barrie),苏格兰著名小说家、剧作家。创作了许多经典的儿童文学。
CHAPTER 1 Peter Breaks Through 1
CHAPTER 2 Come Away, Come Away! 7
CHAPTER 3 The Island Comes True 14
CHAPTER 4 Mermaid Pool 20
CHAPTER 5 The Happy Home 27
CHAPTER 6 The Children Are Carried Off 34
CHAPTER 7 The Pirate Ship 40
CHAPTER 8 The End of Hook and the Return Home 46
CHAPTER 9 When Wendy Grew Up 53
New Words 60
Playlet 61
"But," she said to Wendy, "he would be grown upby now." "Oh no, he isn grown up," Wendy said confidently."He is the same size as me." Mrs. Darling told Mr. Darling, but he just smiled."It is just some story that Nana has told them. Don worry about it." But soon, the naughty Peter Pan gave Mrs. Darlingquite a shock. One night, all the children were in bed.Mrs. Darling sat down by the fire to sew. The firewas so lovely and warm, however, that she soon fellasleep. Look at the four of them--Wendy and Michaelover there, John here, and Mrs. Darling by the fire.While she slept, Mrs. Darling dreamed that a strangeboy had come from Neverland. Suddenly, the windowblew open, and a boy dropped on the floor. He had astrange light with him, no bigger than your hand,which flew about the room. I think it was this lightthat woke Mrs. Darling. She jumped up with a cry, saw the boy, and somehowknew at once that he was Peter Pan. He was dressedin leaves and still had all his first teeth. When he sawthat she was a grown-up, he showed her his little teethlike an angry dog. Nana jumped at the boy and caughthis shadow in her mouth. She was not quick enoughto catch Peter. Mrs. Darling looked at the shadow. Itlooked like an ordinary shadow. She rolled it up andput it away in a drawer. Ah me! The next Friday was a day that none of them couldever forget. "I should have been more careful," Mrs.Darling used to say afterward. "No, no," Mr. Darling always said, "it was all myfault." "If only we had not agreed to go to a restaurantcalled Number 27," Mrs. Darling said. On that Fridayevening, Mrs. Darling had put the children to bed.Nana was outside. They could hear her barking. "That is not Nanas unhappy bark," said Wendy."That is her bark when she smells danger." Danger! "Are you sure, Wendy?" "Oh, yes." Mrs. Darling went to the window. It was closed.She looked out and saw many beautiful stars. Theywere crowding around the house, as if curious to seewhat was going to happen. "Oh, I wish that I wasn going to a party tonight!"she said. "Can anything harm us, Mother, after the night-lightsare lit?" asked Michael. "Nothing, precious," she said. "They are the eyes amother leaves behind her to guard her children." "Im glad you e my mother," spoke little Michael.They were the last words she was to hear from himfor a long time. Soon after, Father and Mother Darling walked toNumber 27. It was snowing lightly. The stars watchedthem go. Stars are beautiful, but they cannot do anything,only watch. Some of the stars wanted Peter to havesome fun and get the grown-ups out of the way. Assoon as Mr. and Mrs. Darling entered Number 27, thesmallest of all the stars screamed out: "Now, Peter!"P2-P6